Episode #27: Versus (Live at TusCon!)

Join the Schmanelists at the Tuscon Sci-Fi convention TusCon—dedicated fans of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. This episode is has the team discussing the eternal geek hypothetical: Who would win? It’s Chewbacca vs. Sweetums, Captain America and Mr. Rogers (in a ‘nice-off’) and many more, including Kate’s very, very dark joke about Abraham Lincoln.

Episode #24: Life on Uranus

Life in our solar system is real! And the schmanelists detail the tiny whales, cannibalistic crustaceans, and naked space hamsters that inhabit each planet. Also, some frantic Google searches to remember our 5th grade science classes. We are “non-experts” after all…

Episode #21: #deathgoals

In this poorly-recorded episode, the Schmanelists are in the Halloween spirit, examining what it would be like to be a ghost. Steve is allowed to join the panel and predictably becomes the first person to be shot with all six Nerf bolts after describing ghost teabagging. Also, #deathgoals. Note, there is explicit language revolving around Dick Cheney.

Episode #18: Evil Masterminds

Turns out, special guest Liora’s experience growing her own business (at overtone.co) gave her a lot of insights into how to keep your neighbors from reporting your mad genetic experiments in an upstairs apartment.

Also special note: Sorry about the last episode’s “blank” podcast. We’ve uploaded the proper file, but iTunes (or whatever your podcast service) may or may not care. To listen, come to our site at panelschmanel.com.